Mr. 3000

First Yankee to achieve 3000 hits!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

15 out 16 Years

Its pretty sad that Yankee fans cant celebrate another post season birth. As a long time Yankee fan that witnessed and remembered the 80’s falling short every year hurt. The first 3 years in the 90s brought us hope thanks to Stick Michael, and then we were spoiled with 4 titles and a 5th in the Jeter era finally coming last year. But no one passes out cigars for entering the playoffs and no one expects the Yankees to fall apart in the first round, after all this is no longer the Joe Torre era.

Every Yankee Fan expects a postseason birth each and every year. It is a birthright specially if you were born after 1988 and expect this every single year.

Well my friends 15 out of 16 years are nothing to sneeze at, the Yankees might have the largest payroll in baseball and yes the infield makes more money than every single player in the Japanese league. Despite all that the 4 letter network gives the Yankees no chance and are secretly routing for them to crash and burn. ESPN thinks the Tampa Bay Rays and all 22,000 thousand fans are a better story for baseball if they win. ESPN thinks that King Felix with only 12 wins makes a better Cy Young. ESPN thinks that the poor Red Sucks would have made the playoffs if it was not for the injuries (like the Yankees had not injuries). ESPN thinks that Jeter is washed up despite the fact that he scored over 100 runs had over 150 hits and played a great Defense.

Despite that Yes 15 out of 16 should be celebrated, Lets remember that it is not easy to go through the AL East.

Champions play better in October and when you win 5 titles in 15 years, we should enjoy Jeter, Andy, Posada, Mo they will not be around forever.


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