Mr. 3000

First Yankee to achieve 3000 hits!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


By Frank Solares

I am the youngest of many children, when I got into an argument with one of my brothers the whole family knew it. Everyone fights with a sibling, specially when you spend everyday with them.

Now I love my older brother and respect him, but on one occasion we got into it in the dugout. He was a player manager and we got into a dispute over something stupid. We made up and moved on, so you guys really think that Joba and Mo who is a classy dude hate each other? Do you really want the Yankees to trade Joba since he is on his walk year?

The answer is and always will be no. I turn on the Television and read the paper as well as online and everyone is upset over shush gate. Mike and Mike where upset Mike Francesca was upset, Michael Kay and almost all the beat writers lost it.

This is the same Mike Greenberg that yelled at Rob Parker and dude was so  upset he walked out of the set (guest cohost that day).

This is the same Mike Francesca that reportedly told the angry puppy that he would never speak to him again. Or Michael Kay who spends all day chastising and yelling at his callers while getting into twitter war of words.

Lets all take a deep breath and calm down. These men know that family members get into stupid fights. GET OVER IT

Joba is not the best relief pitcher and he might have been mis handled by Torre but he is our guy and I'm sticking up for him. So let all you that have not sinned and pissed off your brother, remember we are not as perfect as you.

So if I can give Mike and Mike, Mike Francesca and Michael Kay the "just shut up blog award" I would.

Joba we got your back.

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