Mr. 3000

First Yankee to achieve 3000 hits!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Game 6 Twins vs Yankees

By Frank Solares

The Yankees AJ Burnett had a horrible year both on and off the field. This year has started better than anyone hoped or expected and AJ won his second game of the year.

Yes the Yankees are now 4-2 and AJ has half the victories. Every day he is on the mound he is improving not to mention healing. When your personal and professional life has turmoil nothing is easy and all that is being changed one pitch at a time.

Much to the dismay of the Media and the four letter network the captain had two hits today he is now 69 hits away from 3000.

Sori scoreless 8th after a bad outing two nights ago

Mo scoreless 9th for his 562 save of his career. Mariano now has saved all 4 of the victories.

Now they take on an angry Red Sox team who are 0-6 for the year and the crazy and ridiculous fans are giving up on the season. This is a team that arguably might win 97 games. People should have perspective and cut these guys a break. Its April 7th you insane crazy fans.

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