Mr. 3000

First Yankee to achieve 3000 hits!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Commissioner Ryan Express?

By Frank Solares

           Texas CEO Nolan Ryan step down and gave up his share as minority owner of the Rangers on Thursday, it was a sad day for baseball. His departure leaves many questions according to all the experts, but I only have one. Why not commissioner of BaseBall?

I can't be the only person in the world that thinks that Nolan Ryan would make a great commissioner.

Current commish Bud Selig has announced his retirement, but yet has failed to mention who is on the short list to replace him. Mr. Selig at the age of 79 is leaving a game that has flourished despite scandals, he revolutionized the game with the addition of inter-league games, the addition of wild card games and replay. Many of his critics will focus on the negative as all negative people do, but despite going up against the strongest union in the history of sports, he has cleaned up the game. That is evident by the constant amount of players that get caught cheating. In my humble opinion he has serve his office with dignity, respect, as well as grace.

Mr Ryan at the age of sixty-six can usher BaseBall into a new era, not only was he a Hall Of Fame pitcher, a great CEO and all around ambassador of this game. He has the respect and knowledge to replace the departing commissioner.

I think Mr. Joe Torre, Mr. Bob Costas, or Mr Bob Watson would be an excellent choice, clearly Mr, Ryan would be the best Candidate.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Are you ready for some football

My pick this year

The 49ers vs the Steelers.

And big ben will cry all the way home!!

49ers will win number 6

Friday, August 9, 2013

My Letter to Arod

By Frank Solares

I find myself looking for an emotion, do I cheer do I boo, or do I just sit back and let the moment happen. The fact that time after time we have been mislead and disappointed. As a human you asked me to judge you for your actions and since you are wearing our team colors we are obligated to cheer so what do we do? 

The old me wouldn't mind if you were shooting up, on the on deck circle. But the older mature father figure, I need to set an example for my kid. So as a result I had to get rid of any Arod gear, we cant approve your lifestyle or behavior.

I will wish you well since you will be on the team that I cheer for as long as you wear the Uniform. 

Hope you take the opportunity to take this moment and learn from your mistakes.  


Yankee Fan 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Hiroki Kuroda

By Frank Solares

              It was the 2010 season when everyone is baseball called for Felix Hernandez to win the 2010 Cy Young Award. He had an impressive 13-12 Record with a .227 ERA while striking out 232 batters. The argument was easy he had no run support and poor poor King Felix couldn't win on the Mariners.

Now we all know its a double standard, fast forward towards 2013 and Hiroki Kuroda, he has a 7-6 record a .277 ERA has struck out 79 batters or 6.6 in 9 in.

Im willing to bet if Hiro ends the Year with King Felix 2010 numbers he wont even finish in top 20 of the Cy Balloting.


The answer is simple, Hiroki Kuroda plays on the Yankees, the Evil Empire and not one writer in baseball will make the argument that he should be in the AllStar game or be considered for CY Young..

誰もが2010年サイ·ヤング賞を獲得するフェリックス·ヘルナンデスを呼びかけ野球であるとき、それは2010年シーズンだった。 232打者を三振ながら、彼は0.227 ERAとの印象的な13-12記録を持っていた。

引数には、彼は実行をサポートしていなかった、貧しい貧しいキングフェリックスはマリナーズに勝つことができませんでした簡単でした。 今、我々はすべて早送り2013黒田博樹に向かって、そのダブルスタンダードを知って、彼が7-6を持っている

7-6レコードは0.277 ERAは9インチで79打者または6.6を結んでいる ヒロは、彼もサイの選挙管理のトップ20でフィニッシュ文句キングフェリックス2010数字で年終了した場合賭けてイム喜んで。 なぜですか?


Monday, May 20, 2013

State Of The Yankees 2013

By Frank Solares

                Even before the start of the 2013 Season all the pundits buried the 2012 AL East Champs. It has become a right passage to knock down the Yanks, the ever knowledgeable media predicted the demise of the 2013 way before the start of the season.

On March 30th the Four letter network predicted the 2013 MLB outcome, each and every time leaving the 27x Champs and 30x AL Champ out of even contending. Some buffoon even had them finishing last, but since he is an "Expert" a former pitcher and respected member of RedSox nation, bloody sock and all he told everyone that would put a mic in his face the Yankees would finish last, and now? Crickets...... No harm no foul from number 38..

May 20th the start of the summer the Yankees are 27-16 alone in first place. With a Mash unit that has Andy, A-Rod, Tex, Youk, Cervelli, Nova (wait that might be a positive), Nunez, and the Heart and Soul of the team, Captain Derek Jeter!

What do we know about the team,

Cano is having a great season he is leading the team in HR with 12, as well as BA and RBI.

Wells was an after thought with the Angels and Cashman should get credit for bringing him in, at the moment he is having a better year than Hamilton, Trout or Pujols, go figure.

Hafner, Overbay and Phelps have been great all year, no one expected this from Hafner or Overbay.

Romine, as well as David Adams have proven that the Yankees farm team is strong.

Despite that you can still hear the experts say they Yankees cant keep up the pace, not taking into consideration that the BIG GUNS are still coming and that the team has always been a second half team.

I leave you with a list of all the "EXPERTS" at the 4 letter network..