Mr. 3000

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Monday, May 20, 2013

State Of The Yankees 2013

By Frank Solares

                Even before the start of the 2013 Season all the pundits buried the 2012 AL East Champs. It has become a right passage to knock down the Yanks, the ever knowledgeable media predicted the demise of the 2013 way before the start of the season.

On March 30th the Four letter network predicted the 2013 MLB outcome, each and every time leaving the 27x Champs and 30x AL Champ out of even contending. Some buffoon even had them finishing last, but since he is an "Expert" a former pitcher and respected member of RedSox nation, bloody sock and all he told everyone that would put a mic in his face the Yankees would finish last, and now? Crickets...... No harm no foul from number 38..

May 20th the start of the summer the Yankees are 27-16 alone in first place. With a Mash unit that has Andy, A-Rod, Tex, Youk, Cervelli, Nova (wait that might be a positive), Nunez, and the Heart and Soul of the team, Captain Derek Jeter!

What do we know about the team,

Cano is having a great season he is leading the team in HR with 12, as well as BA and RBI.

Wells was an after thought with the Angels and Cashman should get credit for bringing him in, at the moment he is having a better year than Hamilton, Trout or Pujols, go figure.

Hafner, Overbay and Phelps have been great all year, no one expected this from Hafner or Overbay.

Romine, as well as David Adams have proven that the Yankees farm team is strong.

Despite that you can still hear the experts say they Yankees cant keep up the pace, not taking into consideration that the BIG GUNS are still coming and that the team has always been a second half team.

I leave you with a list of all the "EXPERTS" at the 4 letter network..

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